Challenge Challenge 20220113 Read a chapter of the Bible and write down the answers to these four questions. 1. How does what you read fit into the overall story of the Bible? 2. How does it point to Jesus? 3. What does it reveal about God's character? 4. How will I
Challenge Challenge 20220112 Pray for a fellow saint and ask God to give you a word of encouragement for him or her. Encouage that saint however God leads you.
Challenge Challenge 20220109 Write God a letter thanking Him for something He has done in your life recently
Challenge Challenge 20220105 Ask God to share one thing He wants you to do this year. Spend 5 minutes in silence listening for His response. Spend 5 more minutes journaling how you can honor God based on what He told you. If you heard nothing, journal one way you want to honor God
Challenge Challenge 20220103 Memorize one verse. Recommendation: 2 Corinthians 5:17 This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!
Challenge Challenge 20220102 Fast from a meal today and pray for God to work in your life this year during that time.
Challenge Featured Challenge 20211226 Pray for 10 minutes If you need ideas about what to pray for, consider: 2 min thanking God 2 min praising God 2 min for friends 2 min for family 2 min for something you need
Imagine Our view of God is too small. Way too small. I don’t know about you, but when I read the bible I see a tremendously big God. One who created the universe, from stars to atoms. The big and the small and all the details in between. The one